Working for Peace
Most of my life I have been an activist for peace.
Even when I was in a gang, I’ve always known there was something not right about willfully hurting people.
I don’t know if this was just conditioning, but I felt it had to be more.
It hurt my heart and soul to cause harm to others.
After my time in the Army, my life moved from professional soldier to that of an artist.
I have lived my life as an artist since, embracing the ups and downs, the doubts and the fears.
All the while, the idea of helping to build a lasting peace for the world was alway on my mind. I just didn’t know how.
Now I am supporting Marianne Williamson in her 2024 Presidential Campaign and specifically to help organize her volunteers and spread the word about the Department of Peace.
No matter who you support for President, and no matter where you position yourself along the political spectrum, you do owe it to yourself to learn about his initiative.
I hope we can agree that the world could use more peace.
I invite you to check it out and let me know your thoughts!